Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A couple more examples

Dynamic Trio -small version-winner of Judges Choice Award

Dynamic Trio 2 (or "Surf's Up") 24x30
Bird Park -9x12 pleine air version -

Bird Park 16X20 studio version -

These are a couple more examples of "big and little". Painting outside requires painting quickly. The painting has a  spontaneous, fresh quality. While enlarging it's  easier to stop and return to the painting  later, making layering and glazing an added dimension. There is sometimes an opportunity for more detail because the pace is unhurried. But when I completed the larger version of Dynamic Trio (above) I realized I had to go back and redo the horizon line; this is the version before the redo and I think you can see why. The painting is too large for most shows because of size restrictions, so I was really happy to have the smaller version. I really wanted to submit the 24x30 painting to the Hull show. Not only was the small version judged worthy for the Hull Museum show (see 2/2/13 entry) but I received the "Judge's Choice Award" for the painting. So even though there is learning every time we do something (if we pay attention!) don't discount the quality of previous works.

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