Tuesday, March 19, 2013

"Art in Bloom"

Jonathan's Peonie's


Marion Blues  16x20

"English Garden" 8x10 -
"Lucy's Lupine

 "Lucy's Garden" 16x20
Flowers are nostalgic. They remind me of people, places, and moments experienced when all alone. I'm not a big floral painter per se, but  I do love landscapes with flowers in them. My friend Lucy has an amazing perenial farm in York. It's  inspirational and always changing with the seasons. I love the old fashioned New England flowers: hollyhocks and lupine,peonies and lavender, morning glories and larkspur. Painting flowers is discovering patterns and color variations. Light hitting a thistle, for example, has a halation effect that is unique and beautiful. Atmospheric perspective can be manipulated to create a transition in colors as they fade into the distance. When painting flowers outdoors, speed is of the essence. They really need to be captured in a small window of time.

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